General (Vol. 2)
The Revolution
- The revolution of God's word will march throughout the land,
Destroyer of indifference and disposer of the bland:
Making the comfortable tense, stripping the trite and glib
And Putting back the hardship in the wonder of the crib. - Those who repent their sinful ways and turn their thoughts to heaven
No matter what their previous deeds will be freely forgiven:
Facing the hardship of return and owning to the past,
Restoring damage willingly, will lead to Heaven at last. - The love of God cannot be gained with tokens of support,
With canapés of gifts and praise for what His Son has bought:
The more we know what God requires, the more we hold and own,
The more we must make sacrifice to witness and atone. - The army of The Word employs the outcasts and the weak
To elevate its standards for the humble and the meek;
The rich perform their noble part as servants of the poor,
Seeking protection for us all within God's Holy Law. - And unlike human visions of Utopian delight,
This revolution guarantees life in eternal light:
The Father makes, the Son redeems, the Spirit never tires,
The Blessed Trinity creates, professes and inspires.