Lent Course 2006: The People of God: “Unit Five - Civil Partnerships”
How important is this issue? Why are some people in the Church so inflamed about homosexual people? What is the relationship between theology, ethics and natural science? Is homosexuality natural, inherited, socially acquired, or sinful? To what extent are homosexual people worthy to be people of God?
Added: 17th October 2006
Pastoral Care Training Pack: “Unit 3: Suffering - The Suffering Servant”
Added: 5th June 2009
Advent Firesiders: “Unoriginal Sin (2019)”
Added: 24th October 2007
Study Sheets
Added: 9th February 2007
Added: 9th February 2007
Added: 5th December 2016
Genesis Overview: Abraham, Beginnings
Added: 13th December 2016
Genesis Overview: Cain and Abel &c
Added: 6th December 2016
Genesis Overview: The Creation Narrative & Genealogy
Added: 5th December 2016
Genesis Overview: The Paradise and Fall Narratives
Added: 5th December 2016
It is dangerous to confuse what we know about our own wishes with what we do not know about 'God's wishes'; that mistake has led to the Church's undue exercise of power, particularly in sexual matters.
Year A, The First Sunday of Lent; Added: 19th February 2009
BCP Commentary
(September 29)
Added: 6th September 2009