Study Sheets
Richard Burridge: John Chapters 3-4
Added: 10th September 2009
Vermes, The Changing Faces of Jesus - John
Added: 15th July 2008
One way of understanding the dynamic of the Trinity is to try and imagine it with one 'person' missing.
Year B, Trinity Sunday; Added: 9th February 2007
If we concentrate too much on "in the beginning" and "ever shall be" we lose the dynamic presence of the Trinity in our lives.
Year B, Trinity Sunday; Added: 9th February 2007
The least we can do for the oppressed and for ourselves as the oppressed in waiting, is to refuse to collude in our own downfall.
Added: 20th February 2008
Can you remember the last time you held an intimate conversation about a big idea where you asked questions, listened and came away wiser?
Year A, The Second Sunday of Lent; Added: 20th February 2008
Jesus: A Portrait: “Chapter 3: Divine and Human”
ISBN: 0232527199; Added: 22nd June 2009
BCP Commentary
Added: 25th May 2009
(June 24)
Added: 6th September 2009