John 16:1-7. After building from the positive to the negative, the discourse now reverses the process. The warning of expulsion (aposynagogos) echoes the fate of the blind man.
John 16:8-15. Just as the word "Paraclete" is used legalistically, so are "convict" (elenoch), "crime" (hamartia), "justice" (dikaiosune) and "sentence"
John 16:25-33. Jesus says his followers will be scattered (cf Zechariah 13:7), although John does not record its happening.
John 17:1-5. It was customary to end a farewell discourse with a blessing (Genesis 49:28; Deuteronomy 32; 33). Known since the Fathers as a "High Priestly prayer", Jesus has three themes: Father, glorify your Son (for himself); Father, protect them in your name (for the Disciples); Father, may they be with me (for the church). To "know" God is intimate (intellectual, physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual) (Habakkuk 2:14; Hosea 6:3; 66).
John 17:6-12. Jesus has shown God's "name" to his Disciples; naming is a key concept in the OT as it enables trust (Psalm 9:10; 207). God dwells where he has put his name (Deuteronomy 12:5). In spite of the encounter with Moses (Exodus 3:13-4), Jews substituted a-o-a in Adonai for YHWH (combined they spell YaHoWaH). Jesus is "glorified" in his Disciples and therefore in humanity.
John 17:13-19. To be sanctified, to be made holy, to be set apart, referred to priests and prophets (Exodus 28:41; Jeremiah 1:5) and animals (Deuteronomy 15:19-21) for the benefit of others.
Taken from:
Burridge, Richard: John: The People's Bible Commentary, The Bible Reading Fellowship, revised 2008, ISBN 978 1 84101 570 5. (commission earned)
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Added: 10th September 2009