Evagrius: The Seven Deadly Sins, Origins


Tilby: Angela: The Seven Deadly Sins: Their Origin in the Spiritual Teaching of Evagrius The Hermit, SPCK, 2009, ISBN 9780281056323 (commission earned), ppI-IX, 223

The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, anger, lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth; some include vainglory; avarice sometimes replaced by covetousness; and many lists contain envy.

Characterised by Pope Gregory the Great (r 590-604); Evagrius of Pontus (c345-399), monk of the upper Egyptian desert; thought sin a sickness needing careful diagnosis; he was subsequently branded  a heretic, notably by his pupil John Cassian (c360-c442) who, not naming him, changed elements of what he had written. He never called them "deadly" sins but Logismoi, or false rationalisations.


Please select a section:

  1. Theology
  2. History of Sin
  3. The Spiritual Teaching of Evagrius
  4. The Eight "Thoughts" of Evagrius
  5. Conclusion