The Infant King


  1. Prepare to crown the Infant King:
    Though we wear purple at His Court
    The time of reckoning is short,
    His royal star is beckoning:
    Prepare to crown the Infant King. 
  2. Prepare to meet the Prince of Peace
    And pray that Bethlehem may see
    The fruits of his nativity,
    That zeal for earthly power might cease:
    Prepare to meet the Prince of Peace. 
  3. Prepare to greet our Little Lord:
    Emmanuel for all our days,
    The joyful centre for our praise
    Of life renewed and hope restored:
    Prepare to meet our Little Lord.
  4. Prepare to love our Blessed child
    Whose humble birth was made complete
    When He washed His disciples' feet
    Who suffered Him to be reviled:
    Prepare to love our Blessed Child. 
  5. Prepare to tread the Pilgrim Way
    From Jordan's Bank to Galilee,
    From Bethlehem to Calvary,
    From Advent until Easter Day:
    Prepare to tread the Pilgrim Way.