Advent to Candlemas (Vol. 2)
Changing Weather
- The bending wind and the long, wet day
Have kept our mist and mellow fruitfulness at bay.
The gale and cloud of the marbled sky
Have wrapped the porcelain moon and glittering stars in grey.
There is no frost to sharpen sense
Nor distant coloured lights to make our joy intense
But unaccustomed gale and flood
To wrest this Advent from nostalgic childhood.
- We shall not look for the glistening snow
Nor settle softly in the fire's warm afterglow.
Mildness has mulched the icy crack,
Losing the nightly play of homeward lane white and black.
But, then, he lay out of the wind
Amid the burned out cave fires of His sad mankind,
No snow to dress the misery,
Hiding from us His homelessness and poverty.
- The land is soft as the task is hard
To wrest the meaning from the pious manger card;
So much of good we hoped to last
Is blended in the memory of Christmas past.
We love the stable and the Star
Almost as much as the triumphant Saviour
But let us keep the message clear,
Not falsely beautified by legendary atmosphere.