General (Vol. 3)
Following Jesus
- Sweet Jesus may I ever follow Thee:
Trudge through the sparkling snow lit by The Star,
lay down my humble gift of infancy
And not begrudge my journey from afar. - Then may I walk in exile through the waste
And bless You in the temple on return,
Respond to childish cries with warmth and haste,
And sit beside You as You grow and learn. - And through the desert may my travels lead,
Across the troubled Lake of Galilee,
Attentive to the comfort that You need,
Through town and taunt, hate and hypocrisy. - But more than this, let me both watch and pray,
And not deny Thee when Thy foes close in,
And stand beside Thee at the break of day,
As Thy last painful hours on earth begin. - And more, give me the strength to bear the Cross
And give Thee comfort high on Calvary,
Sharing the pain and suffering the loss,
Supportive of Thy quiet dignity. - But, most of all, may I feel morning dew
And greet the angels at Thy triumph's stone,
And know that one day I will be with Thee,
My home forever, all my following done.