General (Vol. 3)


  1. We have seen love
    In so many ways,
    In gifts of human skill and art,
    In patience, confidence and praise,
    In kindness that uplifts the heart.
  2. We have seen love
    In sea and sky,
    In earth's abundance at our feet,
    In science and discovery
    So wonderfully incomplete.
  3. We have seen love
    In that free will
    To love You freely in return,
    The Grace to counter every ill,
    Your Church where we may praise and learn.
  4. Will we see love
    When we are scorned,
    When hope declines and markets fail,
    When friends are lost and loved ones mourned,
    And God appears not to prevail?
  5. Love will be there
    But we must learn
    To give more than we calculate
    And love more than our neighbours earn
    So that we may face want and hate.
  6. But love resides
    Not in the deed
    But in the praise and prayer we bring
    In giving what our neighbours need
    As tribute to Our Lord and King.