General (Vol. 3)
On Hearing Rowan Cantuar's Installation Address
i. Except
- Wretched am I, except my face
Reflects the love of God in me
And blessed with His society
There is no better time nor place. - Broken am I, except my heart
Which beats with blood my Saviour gave,
Exultant that His love will save
If I resist the devil's art. - Weary am I, except my soul
Which apprehends celestial fire;
Lost in the fog of man's desire
The Spirit yet will make me whole. - Lonely am I, except these Three
In One are always at my side
To love, encourage and provide
Me with their perfect company.
ii. Perfect Liberty
- Sweet Jesus to my rescue came
When I was lost in pride and wealth:
Polluting fogs of woe and want
Kept me imprisoned in myself. - My eyes were raised up to the Cross,
Whose selfless message was so clear
That no amount of pain and loss
Could match the way He holds me dear. - My soul was lifted up in love
To give and suffer for His sake,
To strengthen, teach but not reprove,
Those yet to take the road I take. - By means of God's abiding Grace
All who believe will be set free
To love in selfless holiness
Which is the perfect liberty.
iii. Unconditional
- I love the ways of loving You
So often subject to neglect,
The rituals and Articles
That I now willingly accept. - But I would gladly overthrow
All that gives comfort and content
If that would further love for You
From those who suffer discontent. - Love is the treasure at the core
And everything must grow from there,
The exegesis and the law
Are hollow if it is not there. - That love may call for sacrifice
Of much that is designed to smooth;
But that may be the only price
To pay in tribute to that love. - I only know, deep in my heart,
That love is unconditional,
And must deny all that we have,
No matter how traditional.
iv. Earthly Advent
- Creator of our world,
The earth, the sea and sky,
Of flaming stars and tiny quarks that rob the naked eye:
Creator of the instruments through which these things are known,
The means of love through which we give You back what is Your own. - Redeemer of the world
Through whom we truly live,
The servant king who gave Himself that we might learn to give:
Whose final sacrifice exceeds all we possess
And yet He values what we give as friends of righteousness. - Indweller in our world,
The Paraclete of Grace,
Familiar of every suffering or broken place:
The healer of our hearts, love's core and arbiter,
Companion of our darkest night and guardian of prayer. - The Blessed Trinity
Whose world by its decree
We here enjoy and are enjoined to live in peacefully:
The source of our great joy in earthly Advent blessed
Until in faith we fully meet in our eternal rest.