General (Vol. 3)
The Holy Catholic Church
Part i.
- Martyred for pleasure and to warn
What fate flowed from Imperial scorn,
They meekly bore the taunts and rage
To keep our Sacred heritage:
Slow torture or the sudden spear
Might fill the captives' hearts with fear
But they went bravely to their death,
Forgiving with their dying breath. - Pampered with safe and pleasant laws
In a benign and liberal cause
We meekly bear indifference
To keep religion on the fence:
The poison's drip or harsh attack
Might goad us briefly to fight back
But we chat calmly to our host,
Denying what we should love most. - Grounded in love and courtesy,
May we Your faithful pilgrims be,
Meek in our hearts with posture brave,
Saved, may we always want to save:
Slow to condemn but quick to praise,
Suspicious of the easy phrase,
May we go cheerfully on our way
To preach Your Holy Word and pray.
Part ii.
- We are the Church of God,
The gathered and dispersed,
From those in prison for our faith
To those killed for it first:
Our martyrs and our saints,
Our teachers and our priests,
Engage The Spirit to preside
At famines and at feasts. - Not chauvinists of God,
Nor blinkered in his name,
We honour those throughout the world
Whose lives have brought Him fame:
Our Church today is built
Not in a time nor place,
Not on a narrow ritual
But countless acts of Grace. - Power is the only goal
Of uniformity
But God has given us with means
Of faith in liberty:
Our witness in the world
Not internecine strife
Will better represent God's presence
In our Christian life.
Part iii.
- The worship that Our Lord began
Has nourished an almighty span,
The truth that we in prayer proclaim
Looks different but is still the same. - The desert nomad and the squire
Each in their piety aspire,
The peasant and the factory hand
Have listened to the same command. - The special pleadings of the sect
And pieties they disrespect
Are nothing set against The Creed
And the foundation of The Word.
Part iv.
- When all the towers of Rome are lost
And all the Church's pomp is cast,
When ancient rites are but a dream,
Our Saviour will yet reign supreme. - Tied to the rubric and the form
We cannot face the evil storm,
The Word in humble patience sought
Will be our first and last resort. - Being human, what we hold most dear
Is habit felt in atmosphere
But our approach to Jesu's Word
Rests not on where but what is heard. - And yet He made the Church on earth
As the curator of re-birth
But it must grow and change to feed
The changing nature of our need. - God does not change but what He made
Evolves in our collective head:
He makes the context and the frame,
His Church must learn and do the same.