Come, let us see the new born babe
1. Come, let us see the new born Babe
And be like shepherds, down in Bethlehem;
Angelsong fading, carrying a lamb
To play a half sad pipe to help Him dream:
Sleep Sweetly, babe, Your hand upon its fleece
For You, unblemished Lamb, must bring us peace.
2. Come, let us see the new born babe
And be like monarchs paying compliments;
Yet all our best in gold and frankincense
Ends in myrrh's tears, the tomb's tart eminence:
Sleep sweetly, babe, there is no cause to cry
Until, disarmed, You cry in victory.
3. Come, let us see the new born babe
And be like children with our bright, crib prayers;
Those simple, innocent desires
Which move Your mother's eyes to happy tears:
Wake now! and take Your comfort at the breast
That we may take ours in the Eucharist.