Calm and Storm
- The cruel horizon, pale to deepest blue,
Quartz unremitting in its glorious gaze
On us, becalmed, now come to hate the view
Who pray for breeze to gather clouds from haze:
No wake nor bow to crimp the sheet of glass,
The flag hangs limp, without an inch of sail
We are in death's tranquillity entrapped,
Unlikely sailors praying for a gale. - The cyclone gathers in the towering East,
Our gallant vessel barely rides the waves
But we are strong in unity and hope
To hold the line, we are not nature's slaves:
So close to death we grimly fight for life
And, living so, we have no fear of death
Not frightened to be carried overboard
To greet Our Saviour with our dying breath. - A gentle breeze is blowing from the South,
A speck of lighthouse breaks the lateral reign;
We offer thanks for safety and our homes
But know that we will venture forth again:
We meet our God in tangled human form,
In structured enterprise and loyalty
But we most feel His presence in the storm
That ploughs the water of the tranquil sea.