
Southern Cross

  1. Jerusalem and Antioch, Byzantium and Rome
    And the gleaming spire of Salisbury that some still call "Back home";
    And old ways and words so redolent of gloom and dark and damp
    Seem eternities away from us in this vast mining camp:
    But as Bethlehem had its own star
    And English gravestones gather moss,
    We feel You in the majesty
    Of our own Southern Cross.
  2. There are histories of schisms and the petulance of kings,
    There was blood shed by Crusaders and its bloody reckonings;
    And the Martyrs of old England made by both 'sides' of reform
    Who each forced those who lost to sail into the ocean storm:
    But when we and our forefathers
    Took ship from hate, revenge and loss,
    We vowed to serve below the sign
    Of our own Southern Cross.
  3. We have made our own mistakes which sadly replicate the past
    And our new land has old habits which our journey should have cast;
    And the world has made us worldly with the global satellites
    Which report on mineral prices all the day and all the night:
    But as we sit beneath the stars
    And watch the breakers toss,
    We renew our vow of Service
    To You on the Southern Cross.