
When the Race is Over

  1. When the race is over and I limp in last
    With the ridicule and sympathy to match;
    And I've worked so hard to make myself go fast
    But they're all too far ahead for me to catch:
    Then at least I know I tried
    And I have a sense of pride
    Which I treasure deep inside.
  2. When the dance is over and I'm left alone
    With self pity and a practiced smile to match;
    And I've tried so hard not to mope and moan
    Although it hurts to stand around and watch:
    Then at least I stayed in place
    With some sense of poise and grace,
    And only my poor face lost face.
  3. When the term is over and I fail in class
    With anxiety and hard luck tales to match;
    And I've studied hard to earn a moderate pass
    But, not knowing how, I hit a sticky patch:
    Then at least I know I gave
    All the strength of mind I have;
    And I will be quietly brave.