General (Vol. 1)
Bethlehem's Legacy
- We threaten in the tanks around Your Throne,
Our pointless hatreds fester, then explode,
Flares desecrate the Star of Bethlehem,
Our rifles butt the outcasts on the road:
Our cowardice recruits the men who fight,
Mercenaries fire where we will not explain;
We squirm, concealed behind the torturer's light,
Numb to the icon of this source of pain.
- How little we have learned of simple things,
Of firm but courteous witness, prayers and creeds,
How great the torrent of our idle words
Against the cruel desert of our deeds:
Our charge must be to share the things we value,
Our giving, god-like, cheerful, without grudge,
Not pared and parcelled into pompous fragments
But full, yet private so that none can judge.
- Our sympathies are narrow and exclusive,
We bribe to send or keep beggars away,
And it is not our talk that causes damage
But the important things we fail to say:
He chose to live and die beside the feckless,
His neighbour was the misfit and the thug,
His friends were carnal, penitent and reckless,
His enemies were insular and smug.
- He chose to live in a down-trodden country,
Where soldiers strutted in an emperor's name,
Where feuds out of defeat were deep and bitter
And sadism was an endemic game:
O royal Refugee from Herod's curses
O noble alien in a Cairo slum;
O sufferer and lover of reverses
But King of all our happiness to come.