General (Vol. 1)
Part i.
- Lord, we commend Thy servants to Thy care,
Though they may not have served Thee as they should
For, being wayward, they have left themselves
Numb to Thy comfort and Thy power for good.
- Now as life ebbs in bitterness or pain
And hurt or habit keeps them far from Thee,
Shower love and comfort inverse to their prayers,
Our love the hostage for their infamy.
- And, if it please Thee, moderate their pain,
That they and we might better live with dying,
And in compassion for those who depart,
Do not forget those who remain here crying.
- For all these pleas we have Thy Son's clear pledge
But crown them in Thy kingdom yet unknown,
Finding enough love in Thy servants' lives
To welcome them in bliss truly thine own.
Part ii.
- Our King on high,
Lord of the earthly fragment of our lives,
Who set in train
The rules by which life ceases or survives,
Look down in love
On those who suffer doubly in distress:
In human pain
But seeking nothing in divine redress.
- In You we trust
That You have set a balance in all things
Between our strength
And what we face in loss and suffering,
That You are kinder
To those who testify against Your Grace
And transfer pain
to those who know and love You in their place.
- Weak as we are
We bear our burden in Your cooling breeze,
The Spirit's balm
Compounding earthly trials with heavenly ease;
And so in faith
We should be pleased to bear a heavier weight,
Knowing our end
Is subject to Your love and not blind fate.
- We know Your love
Cannot be traded for a book of prayers
Nor grief curtailed
By merchandise of pleading and of tears;
And so we pray
In unconditional awe of the august,
Content that You
Will govern all with love beyond the just.