General (Vol. 1)
- As dusk creeps down I creep towards the gloom
Too vulnerable and tired to count my day,
Finding bleak comfort in an empty room,
Freed from the need to think and say:
Sometimes my god becomes a warm embrace,
A quiet guardian of my restless space.
- Yet even when I want to lose control
I know that one small prayer can radiate,
Shifting the inner balance of my soul
To hope from abjectness, to faith from fate:
Sometimes my God seems to have gone away
As if He had not heard me when I pray.
- Who knows the impact of a tiny spark?
Most die but some find powder to ignite;
So it is prudent to respect the dark
And learn the careful rituals of light:
Sometimes my God illuminates the page;
But prayer is mostly trying to engage.
- Some will ride out to fight at break of dawn
But such as we who are not fit to fight
Should keep our tedious vigils, watch and warn
Against the wiles and perils of the night:
Sometimes my God seems to have lost His way
But finds me quickest when I watch and pray.