General (Vol. 1)
The Spiral
- Love will prevail
Against indifference and the pride of stature;
Though we may fail
We will return in penitence to rapture:
We live at once in ugly mire
And in the Holy Spirit's cleansing fire.
- Our twisted road
Is nothing to Our Saviour's Crucifixion;
Our heavy load
Unites our sadness with Our Lord's affliction:
Our lifelong quest is to refine;
How we, like Him, are human yet divine.
- Christ's Church has brought
Our sense of corporate Grace and strength of mission,
Though it is fraught
With unremitting error and contrition:
Here, though the Spirit ranges wide,
We feel his glowing presence at our side.
- The Father's mind
Has made, unique to us, this wondrous spiral
Of humankind
In god And God in man, loss and revival:
To Him all Praise who, with The Son,
Brought forth the Holy Spirit, three in one.