General (Vol. 1)
The Way, The Truth and The Life
- I am The Way
Which takes you to My Father:
Sketched by the Prophets,
At last surveyed by John,
I hewed the stones for paths you walk upon.
They may ascend
Or, conversely, plunge low
But they are signed
And I am with you everywhere you go.
- I am The Truth
Which tells you of My Father:
Faint to the Prophets,
Shimmering for John,
I am the stone that it was written upon.
It may be turbulent
Or, conversely, still
But it is given
And I will help you balance faith and will.
- I am The Life
Which flows out of The Father:
Divined by Prophets,
Springing forth in John,
I freed the Grace your life is based upon.
It may flow swiftly
Or, conversely, slow
But I am steady
And I will feed you everywhere you go.
- I am the light
Which leads you to my Father:
Pillar for Prophets,
Glowing for Simeon,
I am the spectrum that you look upon.
It may be dim
Or, conversely, too bright
But it is pure
And I will compensate for your poor sight.
- I am The Son
Who was born of The Father:
Promised by Prophets
And proclaimed by John,
I hewed the Cross you made me die upon.
It was My nadir
yet, conversely, sublime
But it was true
And I will love you past the end of time.