General (Vol. 1)
- Where God created out of love, we heirs of Adam, sinning
Have checked our comradeship with Him from earliest beginning:
Yet out of love He sent His Son to heal our self infliction
With Maundy words and deeds and His triumphant crucifixion.
- Tangled in knots of fear and guilt we ransack revelation
For weapons of authority, control and condemnation:
May we be generous to those in conflict with our feelings
And with the weak be scrupulously fair in all our dealings.
- Had Jesus deemed a court on earth His spiritual succession
Why would he specify a Church, repentance and confession?
In seeking to discern His will and be alive to mystery
May we care more about The Word than ethics, law and history.
- We honour God the Father in His judicial commission
And thank the Son for teaching us repentance and contrition:
Proceeding out of both we greet our ultimate companion,
The Holy Spirit, font of grace, our guardian and our champion.